Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Innocence Love Part 1"

I still feel it, feel an innocence even He look at me. Strange, How can a 19 years old man hasn't been dating at all?, really scare. But, it all makes him different and seem sexy in my eyes. I want to have him :). The boy named Dave Mahendra, comes from Palembang but study at Jakarta. I love all about him, love his innocence, love anything on him. God I wanna make him as my boyfriend. Could it be?

"Hi, May I have your name?" I asked him.
He said "Dave Mahendra." without looking at me, it's very funny.
"What's your department?" I asked him again.
"Accounting.", he doesn't still look at me.
I look at his face, He is very cute, He have a clean white face with two dimples on both of his cheeks. 
"Stop lookin at me!"
"Why? I love your face." I teased, now his face turned bright red. It's very funny.
"Stop looking at me!" He said it again.
"I love your face." I still teased him.
"Ok, If you're still looking at me, I will go away from here."
"Ok." I answered.
He leave a park bench when I and He sat together. Hm, Why I feel sad now?. Do I really love him?, but I only teased him. I don't know this feel, but he is  a unique boy I've ever meet.

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