Tuesday, April 2, 2013

If God only give us one day to life?

How if God only give us one day to life? What will you do? It's very difficult question, right .
But, if you ask me that question I will answer that I will do anything I want. Because it's last day we are live in, we must spend that time with excellent. Hm, now I will tell my imagination if it's come true, so I will do :

1. Worship and seek forgiveness in God
God created us only for worship, but not always we are worship to God. Human often do anything mistake, so as a good human we must seek forgiveness in God.

2. Make my family happy
I will do anything ways to make my parents and my family happy at the day, for example I will hold a family picnic at the place that my family loved.

3. Apologize
I realize that I only a human who often do mistake so If I live just one day
I will apologize to people who love me, like my parents, my family, my best friend, and peoples who I know.

4.Say "I Love You"
I will say " I Love You" to someone who I love since long ago. Whatever he will answer my love recognation, I will feel aloy if I had to say that. 

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