Thursday, March 28, 2013

Show our love

What is love?. Love is giving, love is sharing. Is love only belongs to two people who are fall in love? I think it's not true. Love is universal. Love to your self, your parents, your friends, your relatives, love to people who are less able.

We can show our love to our parents by be a good child, good person, achievers. And if we have a money from our sallary, we can share to our parents. Although only a little money, but it can make our parents happy, because our parents not to see it from the the amount, but they are see it from our sincerity.

We can show our love to our friends and our relatives by be a good person for them. We can do it by do little thing like give them gift or take them to their favourite place

Hm, love to people who are less able. We can show it by donate to the orphanage, nursing home or other foundations humanitarian. Assistance that we provide not only the money, we can provide other assistance like our energy, support or only prayer.

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