As a girl, of course we want someone that give us a pure love. But sometimes, we meet the boy who only playing with us without a clear relationship status. Lest we become their victims, now I will share a information of 4 signs of a boy who give you a false expectation. Let's reading girls :
1. Give us false promises
Boy who give a false expectation, usually give us false promises. For example : he promise that he will pick you , but suddenly he cancel it. May be once or twice we can forgive them, but if he often do it you must think again to stay close with him.
2. Philandering
a boy who give you a false expectation usually make us fly with his persuasion. He good at talking and seduce. He know what he had say to say when we are anggry, upset or sad. He also make us special with his words he said that seems serious, but it's all just a lie.
3. Give you attention like a lover
He give you a big attention like you are his girlfriend, even he call you honey, baby, etc. You have a long time close with him, but he not tell you about his feeling with you. Be careful it sign that he only a boy who give you a false hope.
4. Pull overextend
"Pull overextend" often be the trick of a girl to attack heart of a boy who she loved. May be you think if a boy do like this it's only his trick to close with you. But the fact tell that if a boy fall in love with the girl he will do anything ways to close with us. But, when he come suddenly and disappear at will, it sign that he only make us his toy.
So girl, we must be more careful to respond a boy who try to close with us. Think again, Is he really love us or he only pretending?
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